ELC Fall 2013 Events: Pacific Coffee Break and Study 4, 4 December 2013

Last Wednesday, December 4 the ELC’s Pacific Coffee and Study Break event had its 4th meeting. Students who attended enjoyed speaking English and learning about holiday Mad Libs. Mad-libs are a great way to learn any language or to simply have fun with friends or relatives. By filling-in a word to meet a part of speech requirement such as “plural noun” and “cats” students create a unique story while practicing their English skills.  Often these stories result in a comical tale that is worth sharing with peers.

Students worked on their Mad Libs together and then read them out loud in English. Afterwards, students voted for their favorite stories. To his surprise, ELC teacher Kerry Pusey was the winner of the Mad Lib challenge.

The Pacific Coffee and Study will hold its 5th and final meeting for the Fall 2013 semester on Wednesday December 11 from 12-1pm upstairs in the Pacific Coffee. To register for this event or other ELC events log in to Moodle and register through the ELC Independent Learning Course.